Our time-tested method to investing in and building enduring software companies.
We seek out vertical market software businesses where motivated small teams composed of good people, can produce superior results in tiny markets. What we offer our business unit managers is autonomy, an environment that supports them in mastering vertical market software management skills, and the chance to build an enduring and competent team in a ‘human-scale’ business.
We buy businesses that we want to own forever. This translates into dedicated and purpose-driven teams continuously contributing to the development of technology in their sector.
2. Niche Software Is All We Do
For over two decades, the pursuit of mastery in vertical market software has allowed us to become one of the world's foremost software acquirers. This focus has led to a very specific circle of competence that transcends any specific vertical market.
3. Data-Driven Orientation
Building on this unique focus and with the perspective of continuous students, we use the data and learnings we’ve accumulated from 800+ acquisition to inform our investment and operational decisions.
4. Autonomously Driven
Our leaders are closely aligned with the long-term success of their respective business units, allowing them to make the difficult choices that contribute to building a great company. For departing shareholders, this approach allows the organization to thrive, yet maintains what has made the business unique — all the while backed by our expertise, guidance, and permanent capital.
5. Sharing of Best Practices
We promote a collaborative environment and continuous learning through various endeavors, such as the Perseus Academy, among other initiatives. These events gather industry-leading software companies' business leaders, department heads, and other stakeholders, creating opportunities for networking and cross-functional learning that result in continuous improvement.
A Proven Approach
Reinvest and Grow With
Permanent Capital
Pursuit of Mastery
Fostering a
Meritocratic Environment
Integrity is Foundational in
Everything We Do
Deal Framework
Deal Structures
Proven Track Record Providing
Certainty of Close
Deals Financed With
Cash On Hand
Effective Processes Resulting in
Streamlined Due Diligence
Acquisition Criteria
Our core competency is vertical market software, and our portfolio reflects the diversity of experience we have fostered across a range of industries. Each vertical and business is unique, and we welcome the opportunity to begin the discussion if the following resonates with you:
B2B Software
Companies providing mission-critical solutions for niche markets and have loyal and diverse customer bases.
Recurring Revenue
Most earnings are generated through SaaS or maintenance revenue, which recurs annually or regularly.
Vertical Market
We are students of vertical markets and niche software businesses and have built relationships with founders and operators in dozens of industries. Our investment mandate is industry agnostic, and we enter new verticals by investing in quality businesses and people. To explore our portfolios, visit our Industries page
Resources for You
Whether you own a software business and are contemplating retirement, a Corporation considering a divestiture, or an Advisor working on behalf of your client, explore the latest knowledge, insights, and articles from our vertical market investors and operators.
Whether exploring the sale of your company is a topic that has been years in the making or an idea in its infancy — it’s never too early to start the conversation.